Cinderella takes her shoe back!

insert >trumpets blow: Cinderella, takes her shoe back!  Cinderella, takes her shoe back! 

There she is… (shouts loudly) ladies and gentlemen I present to you Miss Cinderella dressed in yellow. What does that mean you may ask; I represent the Cinderella fairytale story for many women who have had to face inexorable challenges and create something from nothing.

The beautiful yellow gown that you see standing before you signify the dress of physical transformation. The color yellow symbolizes confidence, joy and positivity. I’ve gained a skill set utilizing how to improvise. If that’s not magical in itself! You see Cinderella never stop imagining and believing that one day she might receive the crown of success. To be recognized and honored by the very society that condemned her.

What my disadvantaged circumstances taught me early on in life is that you must not under no circumstances conform to which ways of the world but stay true to who you are, at the core existence of your being. As discouraging as it may be standing alone unsupported in your efforts. Never compromise your integrity and play down your brilliance for no one. Shine on, anyhow! Eventually, Mr. Prince charming (society) will recognize you. And if they don’t, oh well their loss. Let them see your greatness from the sidelines all the way in the back behind the bleachers. Yes, even with all the attempted fails of hoping that you would never be able to show up at the ball one day looking polished and available. It’s something funny about how the wicked spells they sent your way backfired and wore off as the clock strikes 12 midnight.

Is it not ironic how the divine creator of all, God will cover you unbeknownst to you to not allow your glass slipper shoe break while in the process. You may have fell but didn’t break. Do you know how rare that gift of divine protection really extends to? Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm! You remained intact the whole time. You are a precious jewel in the sight of the most High. While your enemies/counterfeits were wishing the shoe would fit them and manipulate the situation, God still worked favor and supernatural miracles in your life to allow the unexplained to show up as “fairy godmothers” angels and guides in disguise for you.

The reason the shoe fit perfectly; made just for you is because you have true character and carry the oil in your heart to all people. Your spirit and smile alone blesses people. You understood that success doesn’t happen overnight. And for that I’m proud to be different from the rest. Yet, what's symbolic about her shoe is that it represents her royal priesthood being established, her time, her purpose, her name, her feminine qualities, royalty, respect and self-love. I now reclaim my power and speak my truth! As I take my shoe back, I will be vindicated amongst the nations ase

Greetings, my name is Cebrina spelled with a Ce and what sets me apart is not only my first name, but I possess what money cannot buy! Ambition, Character, Resilience, Faith and Discipline. It's not about what is on me but truly what's inside of me. You can't go to the Apple store and ask for that. Though it has taken me 17 years to obtain my bachelor's degree, I’ve learned more about who I really am in the process. I have done this with tenacity and unyielding faith. The average person would have just given up by now.

One thing about Cinderella is that she will never stoop low as her wicked stepmom/stepsisters because she understands the message from Ephesians 6:10 to put on the full armor of God so that when evil come you will be able to stand your ground amen We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against rulers, high authorities, principalities and powers of dark places in this world. The distractions in my life were only to throw me off course. But yet she remains faithful to the throne of God that’s why the spiritual warfare and attacks are heavy. You have to know that your enemies were nothing but physical bullies trying to intimidate you and literally they’re just spiritual hyenas. lol You are the Lion! No amount of beauty spells done will ever outdo your inner light that shines and glows thru darkness.

My goal after graduation, is ultimately providing services for the disadvantaged students and impoverished communities while implementing environmental and holistic changes for humanity. The blessing in disguise was utilizing my time during the pandemic to go within and heal and continue to stay dedicated on my path of enlightenment; my mission is to help others find their way.

I knew mentoring and motivating students was my passion when I first became a mom while teaching and tutoring students it would inspire me while I was facing my own emotional pain at that time. I’m thankful for them because they helped me learn what I needed to know. I carried a great influence on them that they considered my words of wisdom I would share. Students and children in general need to hear your story. And I had plenty lol I saw the seed being planted. They would recite positive affirmations whenever they’d see me serving in the community. Then, another time I recall was when a parent came rushing up after tutoring to express her heartfelt gratitude “Because of your help my son will be promoted to the next grade level.” Right then, I knew that youth advocacy for the underprivileged community was my calling. So, I changed my career path a bit and got back in school. I made sure I paid off every penny I owed to my former institution. Many times, I doubted if I would ever see the balance paid off, but eventually I did. What I recognized is that I could relate to their daily challenges and needing a voice to intervene and offer support services.

Along the way I realized something equally important; psychology is interrelated within the educational system. While taking courses in psychology my professor took interest in my diligence and passion for education. Moreover, while raising my daughter, there is an underrepresentation with racial discrepancies/biases within the school tracking system and by that specifically in the area of the gifted and talented program and overpopulation in special education. As a result, it inspired me to consider my motive to promote a climate that changes the racial and cultural biases and factors specifically for African American students in the public schools. Napoleon Hill says in his book “ Think and Grow Rich” that one key component towards success is taking a risk. So, at the time I took a chance on myself to relocate from a shelter home for 9 months enduring extreme measures of poverty. I just knew after experiences with failure, loss and betrayal what’s the worst that could happen? Out of this, I transferred to FAMU because I was ready to start over and transform my life for the better with programs that they offered. Additionally, my intentions aligned with the school's mission/motto Excellence with Caring and being the only department in this area to offer a degree in the specific area I wanted to pursue.

In reality, what I’ve learned from it all is you must learn to save yourself if no one comes and build your empire. Just imagine if I would’ve kept waiting for a change instead of doing something about it. I conquered my fears by taking applied action and having courage. I wouldn’t have made it out had I not came up with the idea to create a quick fundraiser to leave that shelter. When I walk across that stage my degree represents taking my shoe back. My power! My dreams! My purpose! I defy all the odds stacked against me.

I now rise up from out of the ashes where I was once overlooked and pushed aside. Always told No and that I can’t be this or do that. I’m ready to serve my community and students who need what I have. Lastly, who gets the opportunity to wear the crown? Cinderella, the rightful owner who has patiently done the work in spite of her hardships, setbacks and the odds stacked against her. All the late nights, long walks to public transportation, tears, going homeless twice and repeated courses I had to retake came from these sacrifices. This is what the revised story of Cinderella looks like when she decides to take her shoe back! You are worthy and more than deserving of true happiness and abundance in your life. Go enjoy the fruits of your labor Cinderella, you’ve earned this new level.

* If you would like to support my graduation ceremony my cashapp $Sunnybean and thank you for sowing a seed into my education and further research studies program.

I pray that this message help inspire someone out there that feels like I once did. You may feel alienated and unsupported in your efforts and experiencing difficult challenges, but you have to live to see how it will turn out if you don’t give up on yourself. I am a witness that you can fail, start late and still WIN. Lastly, I want to share with you that you are worth fighting for, hold your head up! You are a product of success. Blessings manifest! Ase #cinderella #goddesswombman23 #prophetess #cinderellatakeshershoeback #graduate #degree #riseup #iambecauseweare #yellow #pplliebirthchartsdont #shalom #victory #kingdombusiness