The value of education has always been embedded in my upbringing since a young child. I come from a family of educators, religious leaders, politicians to community servants and business owners in St Petersburg, Fl. Because of that, I have always carried myself with great pride and respect in all that I do.
I could remember as a young girl coming home from elementary school soo excited to pull out my homework and practice what I learned earlier that day. I’ve always been independent and self reliant, teaching myself how to learn and having the attitude “I’ll figure it out on my own.” Plenty of times I stayed up late nights to study what I didn’t know. My stepfather likes to recall this story to others how disciplined I was academically at an early age. As most know him, he is still teaching high school at his alma mater where his picture is still framed for winning the title as State champion in wrestling and Head coach for over 25 years. I remember I use to get so upset because he taught majority of my close friends. My classmates would vent to me about his strict policy in the classroom and I would plead with him to take it easy on them but he would remind me that he didn’t have it easy growing up and wouldn’t mind to tell his stories what it was like to pursue his education back then. Come to mind, his militant style taught me discipline and his long pep talk speeches didn’t stick with me until much later in my adulthood. But I so appreciate it now lol
As to no surprise, here I am following in the same footsteps in Education. I have been in child care and education for ten years now; learning developing and obtaining the experience and skills needed to shape our students to be the Best! As a Teacher and tutor, I immediately recognized first hand the need for offering my services by identifying some key components and standards that was missing from reaching their academic success. Because I too, was that student that learns differently but with a brilliant mind.
More importantly, its critical that we have Teachers that are culturally aware and diverse working with students. We need more teachers that aren’t here for a paycheck but ready to put in the tedious work and recognizing the powerful gift that comes along with teaching. Not all students learn the same therefore you have different learning styles to enhance their capability to grow and comprehend information being received.
Ms D likes to say, “ One size may not fit in a crayon box however it just means that it carries a Bigger purpose.” One of her former students that graduated as Valedictorian recalls how “ Ms D just naturally understands how to speak to the spirit and not the student in the classroom. The moment you’re in her warm presence she will immediately tell you to repeat to yourself on the spot an affirmation and positive message.” I do this because it’s important to feed yourself positive thoughts and words. With this in mind, she exercises her techniques to bring out the beautiful mind and character God has created in each child. Sharing her personal testimonies has produced even the most challenging students a positive change in their behavior and academics. Nearly half have already graduated with a diploma and/ or pursing college, learning a trade while working. I am so proud of them and always never Never forget a face lol
Two years ago, I stepped out on faith to start my own private tutoring business. After tutoring and mentoring students for over six years at the James B. Sanderlin center I realized that there’s more work to be done to reach our parents, students, teachers and community leaders.
Douse tutors represents the passionate fire that will not go out until it has completed its divine purpose. Douse tutors will be available for education services, tutoring and homeschool teaching. No matter what happens in life always know that you can make it out and that You are a product of success.
Lastly, I am here as a supportive educator to advocate for justice. If no one speaks up for them in the classroom, who will? Several times I have had to intercede on behalf of my own child and other children with principals, administrators and teachers in the school system to make changes in the wrongdoings for our minority students. It takes a village to raise and train up a child and I’m very grateful for those who run this race with integrity and love. Most importantly, I urge you to know locally who operates and fund what programs because it effect the schools, community and bridging the gap in education. Please make sure to vote this August/Nov election and understand who your really voting for. Currently, we are witnessing a mass awakening of the unknown and as a parent first your concern is what to do for the safety and well being for our kids. Everyone is experiencing some uncertainty as to what is the best next thing to do since this covid-19 and sending students back to school. However whatever you decide make sure it fits best for you and your family. Regardless, Douse tutors will be available to help your rising star academically.
FB @dousetutors Sending you all much love and staying safe :) xo