Family business

LET’S GET THIS STRAIGHT: When it comes to family and mixing business it can get very unpleasant! We have all seen the unravelling effects with celebrity’s like Braxton Family Values, Keeping Up with the Kardashians and TI and Tiny Family Hustle and countless others but its undeniable they all LOVE each other but their are some hard core issues and truths between family members that leads to an unfortunate ugly arguments and fights. We can all do better playing a part in ensuring our family members are carrying out the family tradition culture and values in the right manner.

Growing up, I remember my grandmother Jeanette owning her own Fish Market on 16th St S in St Petersburg, Fl and to this day people still talk about that fish market and good memories from it. I always ask even today “Grandma when we gonna open it back up?” just to hear her say “ Oh, Please!” lol but being a woman in business back in the late 70’s was not praised or celebrated and I respect her very much for providing a good service to the community. She always talked to me about how she would feed those in need and help when she could. I can see where I got that entrepreneurial spirit from now.

In fact, when I was about 8 or 9 years old I would design and create my own business cards telling my neighborhood friends how we would plan to have our own salon what we would sell in our store and all lol fast forward to now I am doing just that managing multiple small businesses from hair braiding to makeup to Douse private tutoring to my famous sweet pie lady business. Currently, Black women are the fastest growing group of Entrepreneurs according to the National Association of Education Statistics. As a double minority, we have endured many challenges and obstacles over the decades. For instance, our skills and talents are undervalued and not represented as it should in the corporate world; which has led many to go into business and entrepreneurship.

To shine light on a situation, yesterday’s social media post was one of those hard truths to bring out but it did remind me of some valuable lessons that everyone in business or thinking about starting a business should consider

  1. Accountability- When growing in business we have to be held accountable for our actions. As a family member its okay to correct them, don’t allow them “off the hook” because they’re family. This is YOUR family legacy and name on the line. Care enough to say here is where I see something that needs to be addressed or corrected and tell them and let them know I still love you and here for support in anyway. When we drop the ball on projects, deadlines and services our customers depend on us. It may feel overwhelming like you’ve failed but really you only fail yourself when you DON’T address your faults. Customers should ALWAYS hear I’m sorry and this is what i can do to fix it How can I better assist you? Show empathy and own it! Personally, I have made this mistake before a few times but the great thing is resolve it right away. Also, what can help is an app called Bumble that helps with business related, making friends/networking get you an accountability partner DON’T get someone who will agree with you and not tell you when your wrong find someone who tell you the TRUTH

  2. Communication- to operate and function a successful business communication is CRUCIAL. You need to be direct and clear and have all contracts, temp hires and your services written down or uploaded on your website printed in description for both parties to be on one accord so it holds you both responsible as to what your expected to do and gives the customer what to expect from your business. Don’t show favoritism! Everyone gets to be your favorite. When involving family speak up when you need help, don’t drown in despair trying to tackle everything yourself. I suggest, set up an email for customer inquiries and hire a virtual assistant to take on that task. Business owners Delegate tasks not control everything. Remember we became a BOSS to have the FREEDOM. Take time to listen first, then speak to rectify and SOLVE any issues or concerns right away. Don’t delay in responding or avoid your supporters, its rude and disrespectful because they could have choosen to spend their money elsewhere. We all have access to the latest technology so utilize it as an advantage to assist your business. Try: Be Focused or When I work and MailChimp apps it will SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!

  3. Generational opportunity- As a business owner YOU have the opportunity to hire and work with who you want but also don’t forget the main essential goal to help your family become WEALTHY meaning I give job opportunity and work experience by putting my family members in place to build a family name and business. If you don’t have a large family like me then different story but don’t overlook individuals assuming they cant help you because then you’re being picky when you have the tools to TRAIN them. Until they cross you wrong why not give them a chance. If you know someone in your family is having a hard time finding work put them on, find something you can pay them to do even if its temporarily or part time. As a family every week there should be a meeting as a team to talk about what works and isn’t and make changes quickly to keep your business afloat. NO EXCUSES!! Leaders lead by example

  4. Time Management- organize, organize, organize has been my biggest challenge. Managing our tasks effectively help your business substantially. You have to have structure, understand the time it take to process and produce quality work in a timely manner. Don’t take on soo much at one time, pace yourself. That’s when the focus drifts to The money the money the money but you’re overwhelmed and cant get projects completed all the way through. Set a to do list with the first 3 Most important things my business needs to get done even if you think its so small trust me it can pile up!

  5. Prayer- When dealing with family and their help in business, most of the time we may not see eye to eye or agree and have different opinions and perspectives. While things can get out of control or tough situations arise because you wanna punch the mess out of them lol as hard as it can be ( just being honest) Step aside and pray -release and Let go, burn some sage and light a candle go for a run, meditate listen to some good music do whatever it is to calm down and focus back on why we are in business : For our family legacy Gods word says in Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. Keep in mind, we must sacrifice to leave our next generation with an abundance of wealth. That is our responsibility!

    At the end of the day customers overall want to feel IMPORTANT that you cared enough to give them a great experience, All The Way through. They don’t want excuses or why you’re too busy to get it done. YOU chose this entrepreneurship LIFE so that’s just how it comes with sleepless nights a lot of the time.

    But yesterdays post wasn’t about bashing our own Black business on social media it was a pile up of unheard complaints and concerns that had not been addressed due to poor communication skills. What I do appreciate is that certain individuals reached out and came together to teach a young King some important lessons and positive feedback. I salute you brothers That a REAL friend! As a black race lets incorporate that more.

    As a result, there was a public apology and assurance to his supporters to correct the mistakes with final product delivery in a timely manner or requested refunds. Sadly, their was some individuals whose memories and precious moments that cant be retrieved but we must learn the Lesson in all of this and move forward making better choices.

    Lastly, yesterday also showed me who was retained in elementary school. I seriously say this because people get on social media and loose common sense lacking basic comprehension of what constructive criticism and accountability looks like versus bashing and hating on someone to expose or humiliate them. When you have found your passion and the ENTIRE city supports you, trust me as a family member WE want to see you WIN and not look bad. However, in this particular case it required calling a individual out on their mistakes to say “ I love you enough to hold you accountable.”

    P.S. when people see you in the community or on social media they also see a reflection of your business your family’s name and you as a person. Continue to hold your head up we are all rooting for you to keep soaring


    your sister xoxo

    Cebrina with a c